Tamagotchi Connection
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- The Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5, or the JinseiPlus in the UK, is the newest Tamagotchi released outside of Japan. It's a Tamagotchi based on the V4, but with new and updated features. Featuring many new characters, it is a remake of the 'Ura Jinsei Enjoy' Tamagotchi, released only in Japan.
- Even though these 168-in-1 virtual pets rightly get a lot of ire when they're sold as counterfeit Tamagotchi Connection units, I do genuinely think that the generic versions can be a fun and bizarre little novelty for those who are already virtual pet enthusiasts - it's kind of like seeing an odd outside view of what virtual pets are, and what.
Tamagotchi Connection Tamagotchi Connection current and past versions via our Tamagotchi Information Center. Tamagotchi Connection Version 2 Instructions via Tama's Rule via TamaTalk. Tamagotchi Connection Version 1 instructions in Adobe Acrobat.pdf format they were originally on Bandai's Canadian site, and are now archived by us.
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Tamagotchi Connection Instructions is part of the Tamagotchi Connection Information Center.
The Instructions below are for the Tamagotchi Plus, very similar to Tamagotchi Connection and were provided by Bandai in their Japanese 3 Feb 2004 press release.All functions above are controlled from the three buttons below the screen.The 'left' button is called 'A', the 'middle' button is called 'B' and the 'right' button is called 'C'.
'A' lets you scroll clockwise thru icons at the bottom of the screen to select a function.
'B' is used to select a function once you highlight it with 'A'. It also scrolls through the informationin each function and is used to set the time and date.
'C' is used to return to the main screen from within a function or to unselect all functions in the main screen.
Tamagotchi Connection 168 In 1 Instructions Pdf
The 'skull icon' means your Tamagotchi is ill and needs at least one dose of medicine.
You can connect your Tamagotchi Connection to another one (if they are both old enough) by using the 'A' button to select the 'heart' icon in the top right corner of the screen. Point the keychain end of each Tamagotchi at each other, then press the 'B' button twice. When you get them connected,they will automatically play games with each other, or visit and leave presents.
Be sure to turn out the light when your Tamagotchi sleeps at night, he will automaticallyturn it on when he wakes up.
Up to fifty friends can be stored along with the level of friendship: aquaintance, buddy, friend,good friend, best friend, true partner (indicated by the number of smiley faces).
TamagotchiSquare offers some tips from translations of two Japanese books providing hintsfor raising Tamagotchi Plus (the Japanese version of Tamagotchi Connection).The books are Bandai's Tamaplus Raising Guide (Japanese title is 'Kaettekita TamagotchiPlus Suku Suku Sodatekata Guide') and the Bandai Playing Book (Kaettekita! Tamagotchi to Asobu Hon').
Tamagotchi Plus has meters for Hunger, Happiness and Discipline. The books speculatethere are three other variables of importance (Luck Level, Body Needs, and Heart/Spirit).
Luck Level ranges from one to five. If Tamagotchi's Luck level is high, they will beoffered more disciplined (higher discipline level) parters in arranged marriages. Luck Levelis fixed at birth and never changes, but marrying a higher Luck Level partner increasingLuck Level of the resulting offspring.
Body Needs are food, health and discipline.
Heart Needs are happiness, sleep and comforting.
Reacting to all calls within 15 minutes, turning light off within one hour of going to sleepat night and sucessfully playing at least 20 steps in the games (hurdles or dance) help Body Needs and Heart Needs.
Tamagotchi Connection has three buttons just like the original Tamagotchi. They generallyoperate the same way. Several years ago, we posted the original Tamagotchi instructions in four parts:
Tamagotchi Connection 168 In 1 Instructions Download
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Quick Specs
- Description: BEC Wireless N Modem
- Price: $149.99
- Wireless “B, G, N” capable
- 4 wired ports.
- Default wireless channel: 1
- Default user name and password to gain access to the modem: admin
- IP address:
- To access modem type in into your browser.
- The following screen pops up.
- Type in admin for both the username and password as shown above and hit “Log In.”
- To set up the modem username and password for internet access, hit “Quick Start” at the top and then hit “Run Wizard” on the next screen.
- New screen shown below, just hit next.
- DO NOT change the admin account password, simply hit next and ignore creating a new admin password. Shown below.
- Time Zone: find Eastern as shown and then hit next.
- For “ISP Connection Type” select PPPoE/PPPoA as shown below.
- Type in the username and password for the account. The other categories (VPI, VCI, Connection Type should all remain defaulted).
- If you get the following screen below, you have probably done it correctly. Hit Next.
- On this screen, hit “Close.”
- Ensure the “Wireless” light is on and green on the front of the modem. If not, hit “Interface Setup” and then “Wireless.” Make sure “Access Point” has a check beside “Activated.”
- To set up a security password on wireless “G” only, select WEP on the “Authentication Type” and type the customer’s area code and phone number on “Key#1.”
- To set up “Wireless N,” under “Authentication Type,” select “WPAPSK/WPA2-PSK” and type in an eight to 64 digit security code in “PreShared Key.” This can be both letters and numbers or either of each. For information on wireless N, look at the PowerPoint.
- To just check BIT user name and password, log in, go to “Interface Setup,” then hit “LAN,” and look at the PPPoE/PPPoA section. Make sure “Username” and “Password” matches our records.