Tip: To double-space only part of the document, select the paragraphs you want to change, go to Home Line and Paragraph Spacing, and choose 2.0. Double-space the entire document. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, right-click Normal, and then click Modify. Under Formatting, click the Double Space button, and then click OK. Adding Double Spacing to an Entire Document. For the latest versions of Microsoft Word, adding double spacing to your documents is quite easy. Just follow the procedure as explained in the steps. Open Microsoft Word. Go to the Page Layout tab. Go to the Paragraph group. Click the tiny down arrow in the bottom right corner to bring up the Paragraph settings dialog. Stay on the Indents and Spacing tab. Click the down arrow next to the Line spacing box. Select Double and click the OK button to exit the dialog box.
It is really easy to remove double spaces between paragraphs and double spaces between sentences in Microsoft Word. You will find below the steps to remove double spaces in Word Document.
Remove Double Spaces in Word Document
Jan 19, 2021 To apply double spacing to one or more paragraphs in Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013 using the Ribbon: Select the paragraph (s) to which you want to apply double spacing. If you would like to select all paragraphs, press Ctrl + A. Click the Home tab in the Ribbon and then click Double in the Paragraph group. The line spacing is shown in multiples. “2.0” is double spacing, “3.0” is triple spacing, and so on. Select the multiple you want, and Word applies it to the selected paragraphs. If you want to choose another spacing, or revert to the original spacing, click the “Line and Paragraph Spacing” option again and select a different multiple.
If you have come across a Word document with double spaces, it is likely that you are either looking at a document with double spaces between paragraphs or a document with double spacing between sentences.
While having single or double spacing between paragraphs is a matter of personal choice, the old practice of adding a double space after every period, comma and colon might be perceived as ignorance or mistake by others.
In case you are interested, you can read more about the origins of double spacing between sentences in this article.
In any case, it is really easy to remove double spacing between paragraphs and also double spacing between sentences in Microsoft Word.
1. Remove Double Spacing Between Paragraphs in Word Document
If you are dealing with a large document, you can single space the whole or part of the document by following the steps below.
1. Open the Word Document with double spacing between paragraphs.
2. Click on Design > Paragraph Spacing.
How Do You Double Space In Microsoft Word 2013
3. In the drop-down menu that appears, click on No Paragraph Space option.
Clicking on No Paragraph space option will override the current double spaced setting for the document and switch it back to the default (Single Space) setting.
2. Remove Double Spacing Between Sentences in Word Document
Follow the steps below to change double spaces between sentences to single space in Word Document.
1. Open the Microsoft Word Document that has double spaces between sentences.
2. Select a portion of the document and click on the Replace option located in Home menu.
3. On the “Find and Replace” window, type two spaces in “Find What” box, and type one space in “Replace With” box.
How Do You Double Space On Microsoft Word In Your Ipad
Note: You can also press CTRL + H to bring up Find and Replace Dialogue box
4. After typing Find and Replace items, click on Replace All button to replace all instances of double spaces with single space in the selected portion of the Word document.
5. You will see a pop-up, informing you about the number of replacement done. Click on OK to close the pop-up.
Similarly, you can select remaining portions of the document and repeat the above steps to replace double space with single space.
How Do You Change To Double Space On Microsoft Word
Note: If you do not select any portion of the document and use Search & Replace, Microsoft Word will search the entire document for double spaces and replace them with single Space.
However, the disadvantage of allowing Search and Replace to work on the whole document is that Microsoft Word will replace all instances of two spaces, including tab spaces (and not just double spaces between sentences).
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For this reason, it is safer to perform Search and Replace procedure on selected sections of a document, instead of using it on the whole document.